Thursday, February 7, 2008

Presidential Issues

Loyal reader Snoop Dog has uncovered a link which indicates that the presidential candidates are being questioned on the key issues that effect quality of life. You can take a look here.

I'll post the answers as soon as they come out.

In somewhat of a conflict with the whole "wine-tracker" thing, Obama spanks all the other candidates in the vital "who would you like to drink a beer with" question. Click hereto check the results and to vote for yourself.


Snoop Dog said...

I would think that the Beer Locavore would pick Mitt Romney as the candidate he would like to drink a beer with. Given that Mitt is a Morman and doesn't drink, that would mean the Beer Locavore could drink both his and Mitt's beer and also tell the teetotaling "Mormon Masshole" how he really feels about him.

Pete said...

While your suggestion has a lot of merit Snoop (more beer for me!), I just think there's something a little strange about a beer session involving a guy sitting and quaffing beer, all the while enjoying it immensely (that'd be me) while the other prances around in strange panties, nursing a ginger ale while constantly changing positions (Mitt).

Jeff said...

I recently heard that Obama plays hoops regularly. So what I'd like is to play some hoops and then have a beer. Once you've done those two things with someone you pretty much know everything you need to know to make an informed decision about them

Pete said...

Obama does play hoops regularly. The question is: will he give up the rock?

Jeff said...

Does he give up the rock?
Does he hustle back on D?
Does he help out on D?
Does he play smart, go with the odds?
Does he go to the rack?
Does he box out?
Does he cut after he passes?
Does he set a pick?
Does he make his teammates better?
Does he hog the ball?
Force bad plays?
Ole' D?
Try to leak out, and let his man get follow up baskets?
Stand around/loaf when he doesn't have the ball?
Make bad decisions relative to time and situation?

Then does he make up for any shortcomings with a thoughtful decision about a beer choice, and reinforce making his teammates better by bringing plenty of quality brew to share, or does he show bad judgment by ordering an A-B product, Lite beer, or overrated European, or bringing crappy beer, then drinking someone else's good stuff?

Pete said...

You've nailed the key issues. I'm sure the answers will be forthcoming.