Tuesday, January 15, 2008

While the Winter Storm Raged

I took shelter by the fire and nursed a Smuttynose Winter Ale or three. This beer gets panned by the experts. Fortunately, I'm not an expert because I quite liked it. It's a Trappist-style Dubbel that is flavorfully malty and rich. It's dark brown. It goes down smooth. It provided comfort from the storm.


Unknown said...


I'm not opposed to Smuttynose, but Portsmouth, NH is stretching the whole "local" thing a bit, don't you think? I know it's only 50 miles or so from Portland, but there are so many breweries in Portland itself that you shouldn't have to resort to beer From Away just yet! :-)


Pete said...

You're right, Jason. Although I'm technically okay (locavore allows a 100 mile radius) there is no need to venture that far from Portland this early in my beer locavore year.
