Coming on the heels of a presidency highlighted only by incredible disaster (short list: starting 2 wars ending none; converting a robust economy and budget surplus into the worst economy since the depression coupled with record setting deficits; rejecting any attempt at ecological reform; pretending Katrina didn't happen; residing over Abu Grahib and waterboarding) I foolishly hoped I'd never be disappointed by U.S. president again. But I am. It's gutwrenching.
Look closely at the beer summit photo. Yes, he chose Bud Light--the psuedo beer Belgian-owned piss water that gives all beer a bad name.
I have removed the Obama sticker from my car.
1. Psyched to see you back in the blogosphere.
2. Brooklyn Brewery did comment on the beer summit; it was linked in an NPR commentary yesterday.
3. Did everyone involved choose against type on purpose, or are we that unstereotypically diverse a country:
Obama (shouldn't a schoolyard hoopster drink Colt 45 from a paper-bagged quart? -- or the athletic yuppie go with Michelob Ultra?) goes with the bastard child of sulferous water with Bud-drinkers' urine. Gates (shouldn't a Harvard professor drink Sam Adams [especially as a member of the Sons of the Revolution] or Harpoon? -- shouldn't an intellectual educated at Oxford go for a Bass, or some European brew?) picks Red Stripe?! Did he bring a spliff and a copy of Kaya too? And our racist bastard Sgt. Crowley (shouldn't it be Bud from a can or PBR?) goes with a macro pseudo-micro girly beer!
Nothing is what it seems...
I stand corrected. Yesterday's NPR story said Gates had chosen to drink Red Stripe. Today's pool report says he had a Sam Adams Lite.
To avoid further international crisis, the present clearly needs an advisor!
Even before choosing a Car-Czar, he should have picked a Beer-Buff!
I vote for you, Master Beer Locavore.
Such a severe disappointment that we have not seen a post from you since.
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