President Obama has weighed in to an unpleasant situation involving a Harvard professor and the police officer who arrested him on a charge of foolishly attempting to enter his own home while being black. The charges were dropped but some controversy lingers. Obama wisely suggested they talk about it over beer, and offered the White House as a venue. All parties have accepted the invitation, evidently.
First, resolving disputes over beer seems incredibly civilized and appropriate. But which beer is best suited for the task? I'd suggest some ground rules:
1. It's gotta be beer. 5% ABV minimum and no reference to light--including misspellings and euphemisms--in the name.
2. Given that the incident is racially charged to begin with, I'd avoid labels--and choices--that include words like "pale" and "dark" or "best brown" and "white".
3. Although "bitter" may be an accurate description of the dispute, I'd skip the bitter also.
Within those guidelines there are many choices. Which would you pick?
With Bo-Bama being Portugese, the beer better be local.
Are his dreams too big for a microbrewery?
He started an organic vegetable garden – will a beer garden follow?
So, I guess that rules out Avery White Rascal. What about Stone Arrogant Bastard? Or, even better, Stone Double Bastard? Obama did suggest in the washup that both parties were partly to blame. Something from Brooklyn Brewing would have to be a possibility, for obvious reasons, perhaps its seasonal "Intensified Coffee Stout". Maybe brew master Garret Oliver could come and lead the tasting himself, really show the policeman what it feels like to be in a minority. But when all is said and done, I think this is your beer.
Yes, tricky stuff here but I think Steve has nailed it.
I like the idea of a White House Beer Garden.
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