Friday, January 2, 2009


My strict beer locavore commitment of 2008 is over! Largely successful, I did have the occasional slip-up, and paid the price as a result. It was a learning process. I anticipate that 2009 will be equally transformational. It will also be a year of self-imposed sacrifice, as noted below.

In 2009, I will evolve from being a strict beerlocavorian to being beerlocavore-friendly. This means that I will be a spiritual beerlocavore while occasionally embracing the creations from beyond the locavore boundaries, if only to bring back the thoughts, theories, and flavors to the local environment. This will have the effect of mitigating any burgeoning beer xenophobia.

Lest anyone think that the result will be a year without sacrifice, I will continue to lean heavily on locavore principles. In addition, I will strictly apply locavore rules to the consumption of mead--drinking only locally produced mead during the entire year. This without exception! In addition, in an attempt to lose some weight, I will, in theory, only consume beer on the weekend (friday-sunday, inclusive).

As always, I will report the results here.


TokyoRacer said...

I think that theory is going to be quickly tested and violently smashed into little bits.

Pete said...

Yes, the smart money's with you, TR, but I did complete a successful week 1. Down 6 pounds. No booze since Sunday.