Sunday, April 13, 2008

Not Everyone Has Been Suspended

It wasn't until I had my third cup of coffee this morning before I trusted what my eyes were telling me: while I'm taking a break from drinking, Hillary Clinton has taken to pounding shots of Crown Royal with an Old Style chaser.

My man Obama is taking some heat for telling the truth: bitter American voters frequently leap to the lowest common denominator and vote according to a candidate's stance on guns and God (gays--and the anti-gay vote--form the third G, but fortunately Obama neglected to mention that). Hillary leaped on that, swore ever lasting allegiance to both guns and God, and guzzled whiskey and beer to prove it.


Jeff said...

Crown Royal, innat frum away?

Carolyn Schuk said...

How often do you think Hillary REALLY slams shots with the good ole boys - lol!