Saturday, April 12, 2008

Maine's State Beverage

In an effort to get through the barbaric suspension order, I've added Moxie to the mix. It's still brown and bitter and somehow it seems an appropriate beer substitute, given the circumstances.

Moxie was invented in Union, Maine, as patent medicine. It claimed to restore manhood, among other health benefits. In 1906 a law was passed which limited the lies that food and drug manufacturers could tell and Moxie backed off some of its claims.

I tried to buy Moxie at the Hanaford store and instead bought an identically labelled can that contains Moxie energy drink (their Red Bull competitor). It's terrible. One can would've been a bad mistake, I bought four.

During this inhumane suspension, I have de-bunked one myth about beer while confirming another oft-repeated beer story.

Beer and Calories

Contrary to popular opinion, beer does not contain calories. I have proof: I haven't had a beer in five plus days and I haven't lost any weight. The logical conclusion from this is that concern about weight gain is no reason to avoid or limit beer intake. Drink up!

Beer and Money

Beer does cost money, as it turns out, and it's possible to reduce personal expenses by avoiding beer and other boozes. The actual source of the savings is a little counter-intuitive: it's a result of the savings on food. Specifically, because all meals without beer or wine are crap, crap food is back in play. I had a Whopper today, for example. Crap food tends to be cheap. The result is expense savings.

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