Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sampling the Local Stuff

I waded in to a bit of Geary's HSA, which I really like. It's a malty brew but it remains crisp and hoppy and flavorful. The Geary's Winter Ale is a bit of a downgrade but certainly passable. Gritty's Best Bitter leaves me hoping I never run into the second best (or worse). There's just not enough flavor for my taste. Allagash Dubbel remains a treat, it's a classic Belgian style beer that is strong and flavorful enough to render food unnecessary (the monks used to fast by surviving on Dubbel, and I could too, if necessary. But I ate anyway). Old Thumper remains my favorite Shipyard product, and it is brewed less than a kilometer from my flat. Finally, Stone Coast's 840 IIPA is well above average.

And all brewed here in Portland. I enjoyed every one of them to varying degrees. I believe my beer locavore commitment will work!

There are certainly sacrifices beyond the Dogfish Head mentioned earlier, but there are beer locavore benefits as well: no Italian beer (the reason the Italians drink wine); no Indian beer (the reason India is always pissed off at Pakistan--they have to blame someone for their shitty beer); and no Chinese beer (3 billion people and no potable beer, this is the hidden reason behind the Tiananmen Square protests).

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