I'm now in the second half of my year as a beer locavore. I've come across three significant hurdles to living the beer locavore lifestyle. These challenges have, at times, literally brought me to my knees. At other times, I have found myself in tears. The choices have been gut-wrenching. Sometimes, I have failed. As a result, I now view my strict locavore pledge as more a statement of high level principles. My strict locavore rules I now consider to be mere guidelines. Things change, we must adapt and move on.
Here's the three big challenges for a Portland, Maine-base beer locavore:
1. It's expensive being locavore. The other day, I found myself circling the Hanaford, a $10 18-pack of PBR (PBR has no breweries, extensive internets research neither proves nor dis-proves its locavore status) tucked under my arm. I tried to talk myself into buying it. On the third lap of the store, I started crying. I put it back, and bought an on sale 12 pack of Geary's HSA for $13. I dried my tears and moved on.
2. Things change. When I made the infamous pledge (now high-level principles), there was no Novare Res. There was no Prost! Now we have international beer bars. It's important to evolve as the situation evolves. Hence, guidelines, not rules.
3. The whole travel thing. Travel remains a huge challenge. There are many parts of this great nation which remain a beer blight on the horizon, suffering mightily at the hands of the beer fascists from A-B, Coors, and Miller. I refuse to be hamstrung by the evil-doer's tactics, and, when traveling, will opt for quality over shite.